Tuesday 13 November 2007

Healthy living by taxation...

Source: BBC News http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7091047.stm

The Nuffield Council on Bioethics today proposed raising alcohol prices, resticting pub opening times and clear warning labels on junk food. In the report, they are also proposing to stop people smoking in their own homes.

However, the Nuffield Council says that they are 'not proposing a nanny state'. In my opinion, healthy choices should be made by the individual person.

Now, I enjoy an occasional drink, so why should I pay more on my pint, just because everyone else can't control their own choices?

Now there is one thing in this report that I do agree with, and that is the clear labelling on junk food - which has started to happen with the 'What's Inside Guide', and the traffic-light system on labels, telling you how much of your GDA each serving has.

As for no smoking in your own home, I find this absoultely ridiculous. I am a smoker myself, and smoking has already been banned in public places, and a home-smoking ban would simply not be enforced (unless spot checks were carried out door-to-door, and I don't see that happening) and be easily flouted.

If people are forced to be healthy by taxation, they will easily pay the tax, and just complain about what is happening - just like what happened when the smoking ban was put in place.


Anonymous said...

"If people are forced to be healthy by taxation, they will easily pay the tax, and just complain about what is happening"

Exactly; which do you think the Government as a whole is more concerned with; people complaining, or lining their own pockets? It's a stealth tax, just like the rising prices we pay for everything else, like petrol...

Dudley said...

...or cigarettes. My brand used to cost around £4.75 a couple of years ago. Now I'm paying over £5, and they still ban it!!